Stainless steel was patented in 1912 for the purpose of cutlery production. Its anti-corrosive properties are owed to the mixture of iron and chromium. On the surface, chromium creates oxides that preserve material from rusting. It is resistant to water-vapour, food acids, weak organic and non-organic acids. The chromium content of 11% and above leads to passivation of steel surface. The higher chromium content , the higher resistance to corrosion, and an extra molybdenum addition makes it even higher. Therefore, depending on the application, various types of steel with different physical and chemical content can be listed.
According to the EU norm 10088, the most commonly used is type 1.4301 with 20% chromium content. Austenitic chromium-nickel steel is suitable for cold forming and ideal for welding. High corrosion resistance is not the only advantage of stainless steel. Greater use of this material in architecture is guaranteed by a wide offer of surface types, such as mirrored, frosted or pressed.

Stainless steel is an elegant, exceptionally durable material that holds a stable position within a small architecture industry. Our products are made of stainless steel, 2mm thick.

insi7 - Products made of stainless steel


Alushapes Sp. z o.o.

Wybudowanie Michałowo
ul. Łączna 21, 87-300 Brodnica

NIP: 874-181-10-03
Regon: 52729417200000 KRS:0001078090

Konto bankowe: Bank Millennium
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